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September 24, 2021

Welcome Willie Jenkins to the MAM Board of Directors

We are excited to welcome Willie Jenkins as the newest member of the MAM board of directors! Born in Flint, Michigan and raised in Memphis, TN, Jenkins attended Fairley High School where he earned local, regional, and state basketball honors. After transferring from the University of Massachusetts, Jenkins earned his…
MAM MiscellaneousSports
August 16, 2021

Back to Sports

At MAM, we never imagined having children sit at desks in our sites with their faces half covered while looking at a screen all day long. Last school year was unimaginably difficult with virtual learning and COVID restrictions limiting our interactions. Throughout the pandemic, MAM has become extremely aware of…
May 4, 2021

Physical Fitness Challenge

Throughout the pandemic, MAM has searched for ways to keep youth and coaches safe while emphasizing the importance of physical fitness. The fitness challenge gives youth daily physical fitness exercises to complete (such as push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks) each month while competing across MAM sites. MAM coaches encourage youth…
MAM Miscellaneous
March 17, 2021

MAM Names New President & CEO

We have exciting news to share about the leadership at Memphis Athletic Ministries. Jonathan Torres, vice president and chief operating officer at MAM, will become president and chief executive officer on April 1. Torres has been with MAM since 2014. He takes the top executive role after an 18-month CEO…
MAM Miscellaneous
January 27, 2021

Kenyatta Morris Awarded Mentor Practitioner of the Year by MENTOR Memphis Grizzlies

In celebration of National Mentoring Month, local mentoring organization MENTOR Memphis Grizzlies hosted a virtual awards ceremony to highlight people and organizations that are making a difference through mentoring. MAM Mentor Program Director, Kenyatta Morris, was recognized for her outstanding leadership and received the Mentor Practitioner of the Year award.…