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In The News

In The News
January 23, 2014


  This month’s episode of The SPARK airs Thursday, January 23rd at 9p on WKNO-TV –  The theme this month on The SPARK is “Athletics,” with Tom Bowen from the University of Memphis, Randy Odom with Memphis Athletic Ministries, and Elliot Perry, the former University of Memphis and NBA basketball…
BoardIn The News
January 13, 2014

Introducing Two New MAM Board Members

Memphis Business Journal, People on the move, Friday, Jan 17, 2014 The Memphis Daily News, Newsmakers, Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Brad Cummins and Ruth Hamilton have been named to the board of directors for Memphis Athletic Ministries. Cummins is the national  accounts manager for Impact Innovations. Ruth is the co-founder…
In The NewsVideo
November 13, 2013

We Believe in Memphis

Check out MAM staff members on We Believe in Memphis, a television show recorded on the Christ United Methodist Church campus and hosted by Shane Stanford and Maxie Dunnam. WE Believe in Memphis 1313 Memphis Athletics Ministries from We Believe in Memphis on Vimeo.
In The News
August 7, 2013

MAM Mission Opens Eyes

By Anne Chambers, MAM Communications Director With much excitement and a little trepidation, five teenagers and their two leaders from Memphis Athletic Ministries (MAM) boarded a plane to Honduras this summer to uplift and love the people of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Through Point of Impact Ministries, the MAM group was part…
In The News
July 19, 2013

Mayor Targets Youth Through Block Party

Friday, July 19, 2013 | WREG - Memphis, TN (Memphis) Dozens gathered Friday afternoon at the Ed Rice community center for ‘Summer Night Lights,’ an event put on by the city in hopes of getting the Mayor’s Gun Down message out. “Intervening for someone who may be on the wrong path,”…
GolfIn The News
April 25, 2013

MAM Golf Gets Green

Keahnte McKinney, 17, and Terek Gatewood, 17, prepare equipment to be shipped to a buyer from MAM’s eBay golf store. Both are juniors in high school and have been involved with MAM for numerous years. By Chris Porter Memphis Athletic Ministries (MAM) is known around the city for its impact…