Sunday, June 6, 2010 | Memphis, TN | My Life/Greater Memphis
Faith in Action
Students get ‘extra push’
32 Hamilton kids get tutoring, mini laptop
At the Memphis Athletic Ministries’ Hamilton neighborhood center, Carol Mott-Miller of Memphis City Schools (left) visits with Cynthia Avery, 16, 10th grade, Kevon Shorter, 15, 10th grade, Antonio Sloan, 15, 9th grade, Charles Hull, 15, 9th grade, Jeffrey Toler, 18, 12th grade, Jeffrey Toler, 17, 12th grade, Kelvin Garner, 16, 10th grade, Erias Newberry, 16, 10th grade; as they receive their computers. Dwight Moody, from MAM, helped implement the center’s tutoring program. .
By Anne Chambers
Special to My Life
“Sometimes all a kid needs to succeed is an extra push from an extra pair of hands,” says Dwight Moody with Memphis Athletic Ministries.
Over the past two months, Memphis Athletic Ministries (MAM) has teamed up with Memphis City Schools (MCS) to offer a tutoring program at the MAM Hamilton neighborhood center, a former Memphis community center. This tutoring program has given 32 Hamilton High School students the preparation they need to successfully complete Gateway testing in math, reading and science. The program also included prep work for taking the ACT. Carol Mott-Miller with MCS and Dwight Moody with MAM implemented the tutoring program which required each youth to complete 48 hours of classroom work, two hours a day, three times a week. And for completion of the program, each student was rewarded with a mini laptop computer.