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In The News

In The NewsTestimony
March 14, 2013

I Think They Hear My Pain

THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL Friday, March 15, 2013 | Memphis, TN Feature Story/Front Page   Dionysus Sisson, 40, repairs a basketball goal in the gym at Olivet Fellowship Baptist Church, one of more than a dozen gyms where he works with Memphis Athletic Ministries.Photo by Brandon Dill Remorseful former gang leader urges youngsters…
EventsIn The NewsVolunteers
September 15, 2012

FedEx team gives back with service

THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL Sunday, September 15, 2012 | Memphis, TN | Business Section FedEx team gives back with service  By Wayne Risher   Looming large above the former Defense Depot Memphis, FedEx jets made final descent into Memphis International Airport, their roaring turbines drowning out chain saws, weed trimmers…
In The NewsVolunteers
September 9, 2012

MAM’s Summer Hoops

      THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL Sunday, September 9, 2012 | Memphis, TN | Local News/My Life Greater Memphis                   MAM's Summer Hoops promotes brotherly love     By Anne Chambers     Special to My Life    A fun, end of the summer basketball day was held recently at Memphis Athletic Ministries' (MAM) Grizzlies…
In The News
August 5, 2012

Memphis Child Advocacy Center

 THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL Sunday, August 5, 2012 | Memphis, TN | Local News Memphis Child Advocacy Center program brings awareness of child sex abuse By Kyle Veazey  On July 13, the day after the Freeh Report exposed the sins of Penn State's leaders for all the world to see, the…
In The News
June 20, 2012

Summer Splash

 THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL Wednesday. June 20, 2012 | Memphis, TN | Front Page  Summer Splash After months of warm weather, season officially starts to sizzle   Jim Weber/The Commercial Appeal  SULTRY SPRING ALMOST STOLE THE SHOW  Sure, there have been plenty of pool-worthy afternoons this year, but today marks the first…
In The News
June 7, 2012

Samaritan’s Feet Event

MAM youth from the MAM Leawood Center participated in this year’s Samaritan’s Feet event sponsored by the Lipscomb and Pitts Breakfast Club.    Two NFL football stars giving back in Memphis June 7, 2012 - MEMPHIS, TN (WMC-TV) – Two celebrated NFL stars are in Memphis right now, providing brand new…
In The NewsVolunteers
June 3, 2012

Volunteer Mid-South Pays Tribute

THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL Sunday, June 3, 2012 | Memphis, TN | Local News/My Life  Volunteer Mid-South pays tribute to spirit shown by top givers By Sandra D. Palazolo Special to My Life  Volunteer Mid-South recently honored the area's top volunteers at the 36th annual Spirit of Giving Awards Volunteer Recognition Luncheon…
In The NewsVolunteers
April 14, 2012

Ex-cheerleader Coaches Young Ones

 THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL Saturday, April 14, 2012 | Memphis, TN | My Life/All Sections Something good in Memphis Ex-cheerleader coaches young ones By James Seacat, Special to My Life Kelli Eason, MAM volunteer and cheerleader coach (second from left) is joined by Danielle Gulledge; M'Hogany Richmond; Kenyatta Thomas, MAM worker…