Youth from the MAM Park Golf Team enjoyed competing in the Junior PGA. THE COMMMERCIAL APPEAL Saturday, September 26, 2013 | Memphis, TN | My Life/Greater Memphis BY ROSEMARY BARNES, MAM Communications Intern, 901.305.3232 When most people think of golf, the word “boring” seems to immediately come to mind. Unsightly images of…
Devotional by Pastor Rod Moses, MAM Chief Administrative Officer "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it…
All of the MAM middle-school flag-football teams came together on Tuesday, October 7th to celebrate the end of the season with a jamboree. The day was filled with lots of games, team huddles, coaching and cheering. The tournament ended with food and fellowship at the grove/picnic area of the MAM…
By Anne Chambers, MAM Communications Director With much excitement and a little trepidation, five teenagers and their two leaders from Memphis Athletic Ministries (MAM) boarded a plane to Honduras this summer to uplift and love the people of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Through Point of Impact Ministries, the MAM group was part…
THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL Sunday, September 15, 2012 | Memphis, TN | Business Section FedEx team gives back with service By Wayne Risher Looming large above the former Defense Depot Memphis, FedEx jets made final descent into Memphis International Airport, their roaring turbines drowning out chain saws, weed trimmers…