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As Memphis Athletic Ministries (MAM) marks its 25th anniversary, we are honored to share 25 stories that highlight the incredible impact MAM has had on the community. One of these stories features TeeAnna, a 10th-grade student who has been part of the MAM family for about four years. TeeAnna’s story is a testament to the impact of MAM’s programs and the dedicated mentors who make a difference in the lives of young people every day.TeeAnna is a leader among her peers, with a passion for sports and a love for her community. Born and raised in Memphis, she moved to the Parkway Village neighborhood in the 4th grade. As the youngest of eight siblings, TeeAnna has always been surrounded by family and community, which has shaped her into the person she is today.

When asked to share a little bit about herself, TeeAnna lights up as she talks about her interests. “I like to do hair, sleep, and go out with my friends,” she says. Her passion for sports is evident as she enjoys cheerleading, volleyball, flag football, and softball. TeeAnna is not just an athlete; she also dreams of working in real estate, becoming a hairstylist, and being an entrepreneur when she grows up.

TeeAnna first heard about MAM through a friend in the 6th or 7th grade. Intrigued by the sports programs and the opportunity to learn more about God, she decided to join. Since then, she has been an active participant in various MAM programs, including volleyball, flag football, Bible study, our mentoring program, and MAM Summer Academy.

Through her involvement with MAM, TeeAnna has gained valuable life skills and spiritual insights. “I’ve learned how to let go of things, how to pray, and how to forgive and forget,” she shares. One of the most significant lessons she has learned is the importance of commitment. “Sometimes I have thoughts of quitting activities, but I decide to keep going, especially with cheer,” TeeAnna explains. Additionally, she mentions that MAM has provided her with a safe and nurturing environment where she can be herself.

TeeAnna and her MAM coach, Shanel

Coach Shanel, TeeAnna’s MAM coach and mentor, has played a crucial role in her life. “Coach Shanel helped me open up more about my past, which helped me let go of things,” TeeAnna says. This support has been instrumental in helping her overcome challenges and become more confident in herself. Shanel also praises TeeAnna’s dedication and involvement in the MAM community. “She’s active in sports both at school and here, helps with clock and book for our basketball leagues and the MAM Classic, and is here consistently except for when she has school sports going on,” Shanel notes. Two of TeeAnna’s brothers are also involved with MAM, making it a family affair.

TeeAnna believes that MAM has a profound impact on her neighborhood and community. “MAM helps kids by teaching them about God, getting them started with life, and not leading them to bad things,” she says. This positive influence has not only shaped TeeAnna’s life but also the lives of many other young people in the community.

As MAM celebrates 25 years of empowering youth and transforming communities, stories like TeeAnna’s remind us of the incredible impact that mentorship and Gospel-centered programs can have on young lives. Here’s to many more years of making a difference, one story at a time! Join us in celebrating the 25th anniversary of Memphis Athletic Ministries by becoming a monthly donor, or a MAM MVP. For just $25 a month, you can help us continue to provide a safe and nurturing environment for youth to experience Gospel-centered sports and afterschool programming. Your monthly donation will make a significant impact on our ministry, allowing us to provide even more opportunities to coach, grow, and lead the youth of Memphis. Click the image above to give $25 for 25.

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