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As Memphis Athletic Ministries (MAM) celebrates its 25th anniversary, we are excited to share 25 stories of impact from our community. One of these stories highlights Ben Brock, a dedicated mentor in our high school mentoring program.

Born in Louisville, KY, Ben was raised in Alexandria, VA, and Jackson, MS. His educational journey led him to Mississippi State, where he graduated with a degree in Psychology. Ben’s career path took a flavorful turn in 1985 when he started working in restaurants, an industry he has passionately remained in ever since.

Ben is an avid exercise enthusiast who loves hiking and biking. He also shares a passion for travel with his wife, making it a point to take a long trip overseas every year.Ben first heard about MAM through Germantown Presbyterian Church, his place of worship. He eagerly began his volunteer journey with MAM in November of 2023, when he was paired with his first mentee, DJ. His motivation to volunteer stems from a desire to support the youth and his ability to dedicate time to this cause at his current stage of life.

DJ has attended MAM Olivet since 2018. He graduated high school this past May and is interested in entrepreneurship. MAM Mentoring Director, Kenyatta Morris, thought the two would be a good pair since Ben is involved in restaurant ownership. Ben and DJ have met faithfully over the past eight months, having lunch together every Thursday. During their time together, they discuss school, family, and DJ’s future plans, among other things. 

For Ben, the most rewarding part of volunteering at MAM is the opportunity to be a positive role model and make a difference in DJ’s life. He is proud of the rapport that has developed with DJ, as he has witnessed him gradually open up more over time. The beauty of mentoring lies in its gradual nature; good mentors dedicate significant time to nurturing the relationship.

Ben firmly believes that mentoring the next generation is crucial because they represent our future. He acknowledges that while mentoring is not always convenient, stepping out of his comfort zone and making time to give back is always rewarding.

Volunteering at MAM has reinforced Ben’s belief that making time for others is essential for meaningful impact. He emphasizes that “everyone can find time to add sunshine to someone else’s life if they just take the time.”

Ben’s story exemplifies the profound impact that dedicated mentors can have on young people, as well as the significant influence mentees can have on their mentors.Join us in celebrating the 25th anniversary of Memphis Athletic Ministries by becoming a monthly donor, or a MAM MVP. For just $25 a month, you can help us continue to provide a safe and nurturing environment for youth to experience Gospel-centered sports and afterschool programming. Your monthly donation will make a significant impact on our ministry, allowing us to provide even more opportunities to coach, grow, and lead the youth of Memphis. Click the image above to give $25 for 25.

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