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Zak was introduced to MAM while playing in sports leagues growing up. Last spring, he connected with Charles, neighborhood director at MAM Hamilton, and was invited to help coach Hamilton’s basketball team. He accepted this invitation and began to learn more about MAM.

Originally, Zak thought MAM was only focused on sports; however, he quickly realized that MAM is “more than sports.” The core of MAM’s mission is to coach, grow, and lead the youth of Memphis by helping them discover their identity in Christ and their purpose in the community.

While sports is a huge part of our organization, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the center. Jesus is involved in everything we do at MAM. Our youth hear a short devotional every day at their gym and before both practices and games. Youth who desire to learn more about Jesus attend weekly Bible studies.

Realizing that MAM was “more than sports” encouraged Zak to continue volunteering and begin financially supporting MAM.

“What I enjoy most about volunteering at MAM is seeing the kids grow over the course of the season. Watching them mature and become more responsive to coaching is incredibly rewarding,” Zak said.

Volunteering as a coach allows one to develop deep relationships with youth on the team. Building these relationships is Zak’s highlight of volunteering at MAM.

Zak encourages others to get involved with a local ministry. “Your talents are needed. No matter what area you are gifted in, God will find a way to use you. There’s so much work to be done, and we can all do our part!”

Zak and Charles recently wrapped up the 2019 MAM Winter Basketball League by bringing the first place trophy back to MAM Hamilton!

If you are interested in getting involved at MAM through volunteering, please contact

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