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Merry Christmas, The Promise is Fulfilled

By December 21, 2013No Comments

Written By Rondell Trevino

Christmas is a holiday filled with joy, laughter, food, and gifts. It is a time to enjoy family and friends, watch Christmas movies, put up Christmas lights, drink eggnog (not me), play in the snow, light the fireplace, etc. All of these are great and wonderful things, and I believe we should all participate in them, but I do think we tend to get so occupied with them that we forget about the one greatest thing Christmas is about.

The promise fulfilled!

Zechariah 3:8-9 “Behold, I will bring my servant the branch… and I will remove the sinfulness of this land in a single day.”

This scripture is God promising to bring a savior, named Jesus into the world and rescuing people from their rebellion of sin. He promised that Jesus would live in perfect obedience to God the Father, showing that he was the promised Immanuel—God in our midst. And guess what? This promise is fulfilled!

In Matthew chapter two, Jesus is born miraculously from a virgin named Mary. He grows up proclaiming the good news! Jesus, the precious son of God would humble himself on our behalf, as he walked the earth, calling people to turn away from their sin and believe in him. Eventually He would willingly lay down his life; being pierced in his hands and feet and nailed to a wooden cross. And what is mind blowing is all of this was done so that we can take the credit for his perfect obedience, making a way for us to be in relationship with God.

Friends, the Christmas lights, food, Christmas movies, family, and all the other wonderful things about Christmas are awesome; but let’s not get so occupied that we forget that one of the greatest things about it is the promise fulfilled when Jesus, the long-expected mighty rescuer, came and laid down his life so we could have an eternal relationship with God.

With this amazing news, we can only say “Merry Christmas, The Promise is fulfilled!”


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